All guitar chords , full version .Full version no ads . Also, you can listen to the desired chord.As in the full version was added fork ( tuner) , now you do not have to put a separate application for tuning your guitar , all in this application and chords and tuner.Easy -to-use application. Our app helps you find chords for beginners. The application helps you find the chords for any song or songs. Always tell you if you forgot Accord . Chords for six-string guitar .
With our app, you can always find the right chord in your desired tone .Our app will show you how to play a particular chord.How to use:- Select Tone- Select ( if necessary) Typeon ( the default ) you will have the most familiar and simple variation of the chord , using the left-right you can see the whole range of variation of the selected chord.
To play the selected chord click Play in the lower right corner.Also, if a finger on the strings, each string is played separately.To configure Guitars click Camerton then appears customizer .
In the near future we will extend the capabilities of the application. Always look forward to your advice and comments . Write on e-mail or leave reviews, it is important to know your opinion. Email us to you like the application, your wishes will be taken into consideration .